Stewardship 2020
Stewardship 2020 – Giving: Relationships
SO THAT IN THE YEARS TO COME, many more people of the CSRA may enjoy the blessing of relationship established in Christ through the church; and we may widen the circle of grace that many more people experience a life of faith through The Episcopal Church, I/we _____________________________ (fill out below) will extend at least # ________ (fill out below) gracious invitations to others throughout 2020. Know that the Invite, Welcome & Connect ministry of the church will support you in this work.
Stewardship 2020 – Giving: Financial Resources
SO THAT IN THE YEARS TO COME, God’s love and grace may continue to be proclaimed through thriving ministries, beautiful worship, and the fellowship we share; and so that I/we may continue growing in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the practice of generous financial giving, I/we _____________________________ (fill out below) will give $ _______________ in 2020. I will make offerings: __ weekly __ monthly __ quarterly __ once annually (fill out below).
Saint Paul’s affirms giving 10% of one’s resources for God’s work, some portion of which is through the church. Reference guide below.