
Youth ConfirmationThe Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.  As we become full members of Christ’s Body and the Church through our baptism, confirmation is a strengthening of the gifts given to us in baptism. Confirmation is also the way to officially become an Episcopalian.

Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes are offered to prepare candidates for this sacrament and are open to anyone who is interested in joining the Episcopal Church or simply interested in knowing more about the Episcopal faith.

If you were confirmed in another denomination, you may also be received by the Bishop when you decide to continue your faith journey with the Episcopal Church.

Contact the Clergy if you are interested in Confirmation.

Youth Confirmations
Students at Saint Paul’s traditionally prepare for confirmation beginning in the tenth grade.

Confirmation Registration Form