From the Stewardship Committee – August 31, 2020
Dear Saint Paul’s parishioner:
The time that we have spent apart due to the social distancing requirements has reminded me that our church home is not defined solely by our beautiful and historic structure but also, perhaps more importantly, our communal relationships with each other and God. Our virtual services showcase most all the aspects of why we call Saint Paul’s home but the most important, congregating with each other, is on hold until we can safely gather again.
Despite all the challenges we have faced in 2020 thus far, the annual rhythms of the year remain. Vestment colors change per the church season; the lessons and the Gospel readings reflect the liturgical year; and the mundane of paying bills, maintaining proper staffing levels and maintaining our Church building, also continue. Your financial support during our time away has allowed us to maintain these critical aspects of running a Church.
The fall brings the annual stewardship campaign and in the coming months you will begin receiving updates and communication on the financial needs for 2021 and how to continue your support of the Church. Our stewardship supports both the internal and external communities that are associated with Saint Paul’s and 2021 will be a challenging year.
All years present challenges and challenges create opportunities, and 2021 will have both in spades. The preliminary budget assumes no changes in much of the church operations (staff, facility maintenance, outreach, operations) but critically and conservatively, it anticipates no income from the River Room. No one knows when large gatherings will be allowed or even requested by the public, so it seems prudent to plan for the worst-case scenario. In normal years, the River Room brings in approximately $100,000 in gross revenue, and after a 10% reduction for a maintenance reserve and paying the associated utilities, the Church and its missions are the beneficiary of that excess income. In 2021, that may not be the case.
Also in 2021, we will say goodbye to Fr. Muir as Rector and say hello to a new Rector. The Church has been planning for an increase in personnel costs by expensing a portion of an anticipated clergy compensation increase for several years. These savings will help supplement the compensation package of a new Rector for 2021, however, our congregational giving will need to increase to into 2022 and beyond for higher personnel costs.
The Stewardship campaign will be asking for two things:
A completed pledge card
An increase in pledge amount
Support comes from all corners of the congregation but only approximately 1/3 of the families complete a pledge card and officially make a pledge. We have years of giving histories, but the more pledge cards that are presented, the more accurate the budgeting process will be. With the challenges outlined above, the 2021 budget needs to be as accurate as possible. Please, if you do not currently complete a pledge card, fill one out for 2021. It can be completed for any amount, prayerfully consider your contribution to a momentous year.
The uncertainty of the River Room income and the forthcoming increase in personnel costs, both crucial in supporting the type Church and church family we want to have, will require increased giving. Our church is not defined by the River Room and we certainly don’t live and die by its operations. However, we are soon to be stepping up to a level of financial requirements without one of our income sources. This reality will require all of us to re-consider the level of our support and to do our part to contribute to the higher operating costs. The 2021 budget is predicated on an additional $75,000 in pledges and an increase in support, a “step-up” in your current giving, will help us fund our opportunities.
The success we have enjoyed under the leadership of Fr. Muir, Fr. Jenkins and the laity has increased attendance, visibility in our communities, outreach obligations and operating costs. Our stewardship needs to support our successes and our continued growth.
We look forward to engaging with you this fall and soon exchanging the Peace properly socially distanced!
Cameron Nixon
Stewardship Campaign Chair
Ashley Wright
Senior Warden