Worship Ministries
The Worship Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the rector and coordinates the lay ministries that assist with worship services: To find out more about each of these ministries, click on the following links.
Worship Ministries
Altar Guild and Linen Guild work in teams to scrub, polish, organize elements, wash and iron linens.
Flower Guild creates beautiful arrangements for the altar.
Acolytes, children and youth beginning at age eight and continuing in service through twelfth grade, assist our Clergy in many liturgical roles, including, lighting the candles, carrying a processional crosses, assisting the clergy at the altar.
Lectors are members of the congregation, middle school age and older, who read the lessons at services.
Eucharistic Ministers are laypersons authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. At Saint Paul’s, our Eucharistic Ministers participate in the reading of the lessons and prayers and in the serving of the chalice during the Eucharist. Eucharistic Visitors receive further training to visit persons unable to attend church, and may include taking communion to the person.
Vergers lead the processional. Behind the scenes, they check to be sure that everything is in place, the right people are on duty, and that the service is ready to begin on time. Knowing what goes on behind the scenes and double-checking the work of others, they must be able to fill in for others in a crisis.
The Parishes three choirs lead the congregation in worship through music.
Ushers greet worshippers, distribute bulletins, collect and present the offerings at the altar, and assist worshippers as needed.
Element Bearers present the bread and wine at the altar.
Each of these groups undergoes training, and in some cases, licensing. If you would like be involved in one of these ministries, we hope you will join us! Please call the church office for contact information.