Building and Grounds – Parking Lot Repairs
Not the traditional “good time.” However, the current suspension of activities at 605 Reynolds Street has afforded your Buildings and Grounds committee, with the collaboration of the Finance committee, a golden opportunity to make some much-needed improvements. After a rainy winter, our glorious spring is aiding this as well.
Currently, repairs are underway in the West parking lot. In the East parking lot – accessible from Sixth Street, potholes have been patched, a drain is being replaced and sealing and re-striping completed. This lot, like the west lot, is on packed soil – these lots won’t be “smooth as glass”, there will be the rivulets of cracks and seams; however, the upgrades will provide serviceable and, especially with last year’s exterior lighting upgrades, safe lots. Work on the West will be similar: patching potholes, sealing and restriping. A very old and damaged drain will be replaced. Wright Montgomery’s and Tom Robertson’s help and guidance have been invaluable.