
Children’s Ministries

At Saint Paul’s, children are recognized as full members of the Body of Christ and as such are included in all areas of the church where they can live out our mission and grow in faith with their parents and other adults.

We seek to support parents as well, as they fulfill their calling to nurture their children in the faith of the church and to fulfill the promises made at baptism.


Families at Saint Paul’s worship together. Children are welcome for all or part of the worship service and children of all ages are welcome at our altar. Parents of children in the nursery are welcome to bring their children to join the family during communion. We believe that children have their own unique relationship with God. Being in the sanctuary of the church during services helps them learn how to pray, sing, worship, and otherwise strengthen that relationship.

We also encourage our children to take an active role in the parish worship by serving as acolytes beginning at aged 8, and choir members beginning in Kindergarten. Find out more about these roles in the worship section of this website.

Christian Formation

Children’s Christian Formation meets from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. Sunday mornings August through May in the Children’s Ministry Building. Three classes are offered:

Grades 3- 5 – Friends in Service to Him (FISH)
Grades 1-2 – Kids of the Kingdom
Pre-K 3-5 – First Steps in Faith

All three classes follow the SPARK curriculum. This program is designed to activate a child’s faith. Every Spark lesson follows a four-part sequence: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Each week, children and their teachers gather together to explore their Bibles, enjoy fun activities, pray, and grow in faith.

Spark allows the children to connect the stories they hear in worship with the lessons they learn in Sunday school. Spark Lectionary follows stories in the Revised Common Lectionary. Throughout the three-year cycle, each lesson comes from a Bible story in the Old Testament, the Gospels, or Acts. Spark is a very interactive program and allows for hands on activities and take homes to share with parents.


Children work along side adults in many of our regular Outreach ministries including Manna Pantry, Master’s Table Soup Kitchen and Veterans’ Ice Cream Socials, as well as our annual Angel Tree Party and Ironman Sunday.  Learn more about programs on the  Outreach page of this website and look for our next date to serve in our Sunday bulletin announcements, Quarterly Outreach Opportunities,  and Weekly Postings .