A nursery is available in the Children’s Ministry Building for children aged 6 weeks to four years old. The nursery is staffed each Sunday with two nursery caregivers who are required to complete training in Infant and Child CPR and First Aid as well as Safeguarding God’s Children Training provided by the Diocese of GA. A Nursery Guild volunteer is often available as well. All individuals in the nursery are required to complete background checks.
We will be happy to assist you in getting your child settled in the nursery so you can enjoy church without having to worry! Our silent pager system will allow us to contact you if your child is in need. Feel free to come in and stay a while to help your child get acquainted with the staff and the other children. We want you and your child to feel welcome in the Saint Paul’s Nursery! At Saint Paul’s we believe the nursery is far more than simply child care; the nursery is a ministry of the church.