Coffee & Conversation Returns

We’ve missed you so much!

Coffee and Conversation is back . . . on Zoom! Every Sunday morning, beginning THIS Sunday at 10:35 a.m., come say hello to your friends before the 11 a.m. worship service.

We will break into groups of 5-6 people so that we all have a chance to see each other and catch up. We miss seeing all of you and look forward to this new opportunity to gather together. See you Sunday!

Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 860 972 849
Password: SPCgather
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923; enter Meeting ID when prompted
For instructions on how to use Zoom, click here. Or, email Maddy Elledge for a quick tutorial.


Categories: Connect, New to Saint Pauls, Parish LifeTags: , , ,