EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) Online

605 Reynolds St., Augusta

EYC - Youth Group This Sunday!  Guess what! Ranie Neislar's ordination to the diaconate is happening at Saint Paul's this Sunday at 2 p.m. Please accept her regrets for EYC, […]

Ordiantion to the Sacred Order of Deacons: Ranie Neislar

605 Reynolds St., Augusta

God willing and the People consenting, the Right Reverend Scott Anson Benhase, Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia, will ordain Ranie Halski Neislar to the Sacred Order of Deacons, Sunday, […]

EfM – Sunday class

605 Reynolds St., Augusta

EfM, Education for Ministry, developed by The School of Theology at Sewanee, is a small-group program (12 member limit) of study and spiritual growth open to ALL people. Enrollment is […]