Ash Wednesday Service

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Ash Wednesday, the first day of the 40 day season of Lent, begins a time of reflection and recommitment to our calling to follow Jesus. During this season of Lent we focus our minds and our hearts on reconnecting to Jesus, the one whose love for us makes our lives complete and full of life. […]

Ash Wednesday Service

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Ash Wednesday, the first day of the 40 day season of Lent, begins a time of reflection and recommitment to our calling to follow Jesus. During this season of Lent we focus our minds and our hearts on reconnecting to Jesus, the one whose love for us makes our lives complete and full of life. […]

Annual Rose Sunday Concert & Reception

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

This year's Rose Sunday Concert is Sunday, March 31, 4 PM followed by a reception in Tyler Hall and the Celtic Service at 5:30 PM. Our organist, Keith Shafer, will play music of Bach, Mozart, Franck, and will conclude with a performance of "Phoenix," by William Bates, an organ work commissioned in 2016 "for Saint Paul's Church, […]

Holy Week Noonday Eucharist

Saint Paul's Church Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week we gather in the Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul at noon for Holy Eucharist.

Maundy Thursday

Saint Paul's Church Nave

The tradition of an evening celebration of the Eucharist on this day began in the early fifth century under the name "Cena Domini" ("the supper of the Lord.") "Maundy" comes from the Latin word "mandatum" ("commandment"), referring both to Christ’s words "a new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have […]

Noonday Prayer

Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul

Noonday Prayer Wednesdays in Lent, 11:45 AM, Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul Prior to our noon hour Lenten book discussion, Noonday Prayer will be observed in the chapel.  Gather in silence at 11:45 AM, prayers begin at 11:50 AM. You may wish to pray the office from home or your workplace by following along online or in The […]

Lenten Book Study

Tyler Hall

Lenten Book Study: Speaking Christian Wednesdays in Lent, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall Beginning Wednesday, March 4, 12:00 noon in Tyler Hall, we will explore Marcus Borg's look into why Christian words have lost their power and how they can be restored.  In his introduction Borg states "Christian language has become a stumbling block in our time.  […]

Guided Labyrinth Walk

Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Guided Labyrinth Walk Sunday, March 8, 4:00 PM Please join us Sunday, March 8, for a special labyrinth walk sponsored by the Daughters of the King at 4 PM in the Berlin Room. The labyrinth is a single path that has been used as a walking meditation and path for prayer since ancient times. No experience walking a […]