Latest Past Events

Easter Monday Annual Parish Meeting

605 Reynolds St., Augusta

Easter Monday Annual Meeting When: Monday, April 13 at 12 Noon Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 802 615 094 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 Password: Email Maddy Elledge to request. Protecting the well-being of all of our congregation will always be our top priority. Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), your Vestry has decided that the […]


Conference Room 1103 East 2nd Avenue, Garnett

Contact Barbara Coleman

Annual Parish Meeting

Saint Paul's Church - Church Steps 605 Reynolds St., Augusta

Our Colonial Charter and Bylaws call for an Annual Parish Meeting on Easter Monday. You are invited to our 269th Annual Parish Meeting, Monday, April 22, at 12 noon, on the Front Portico. The Churchwardens, Members of the Vestry, and Officers of the Parish will be installed.