Contact Coleman Graham, Kim Butler, or Ivey ColemanAll children 3 years and older are invited to be a part of this program.We gather on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 AM in the Children'sMinistry Building. We spend the first part of our time together sharing ourAdvent story. We will then gather all ages together to […]
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12 only), mark your calendars for a holiday theme lock-in Saturday, December 21, 6 pm to Sunday morning 11 am service. Dinner and breakfast will be served. Bring your sleeping bag, toothbrush, and a white elephant gift to exchange (maximum price $10). A RSVP is required. Contact Todd Shafer at […]
Contact Mary Jackson
Formation for Youth and Children return August 18
Contact Mary Jackson
"The Friendly Beasts" - Journey to Bethlehem: Preparing ourHearts and Minds for the Mystery of Christmas Our Saint Paul's Family is invited to share our journey during our program, "The Friendly Beasts" that will be part of our 11 AM service on Sunday, December 22 (Advent 4). Coleman Graham, one of our formation teachers, has written […]