Augusta Choral
SanctuaryConference Room
Conference Room
Contact Bryan Haltermann
Contact Mary Jackson
Contact Mary Jackson
In researching the Consecration of the Church, the History Committee discovered several time capsules had been buried at Saint Paul's with the cornerstones. In celebration of the re-dedication on May 5th, a time capsule will be buried on the grounds of the church at 10:30 AM., in a ceremony conducted by three area Masonic Lodges: […]
As the people of Saint Paul's, other parishes, and the larger community came together to consecrate and dedicate our present church building 100 years ago, so on May 5th at 11 AM, we will gather to re-dedicate ourselves and our Church building to God's glory and God's purpose. The service will include music from the […]
Saint Paul's will be celebrating its 100th year Consecration of the Church and Homecoming on Sunday, May 5th, 2019. We will meet in the River Room following the 11 AM service to share a meal and greet old friends. Bring a dish or dessert that would have been served at a potluck 100 years ago! […]