EYC at Saint Paul’s

Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt at Saint Paul's. Contact Todd Shafer for more information.

Veterans’ Ice Cream Social

Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, 1101 15th St, Augusta, GA 30901, USA 501 15th St, United States

Contact Louis Walker


Upper Room, Tyler Hall

Spring Primetime Party

Adults (50+) Off-Site. $5 at the door. Bring an appetizer to share.


Upper Room, Tyler Hall

Re-dedication of a Church and 100th Anniversary Celebration of Saint Paul’s Church Consecration

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

As the people of Saint Paul's, other parishes, and the larger community came together to consecrate and dedicate our present church building 100 years ago, so on May 5th at 11 AM, we will gather to re-dedicate ourselves and our Church building to God's glory and God's purpose. Following the service we will gather in the […]