Breakfast in Tyler Hall
Tyler HallContact Mary Jackson
Contact Mary Jackson
Easter Celebration of the Resurrection with the parish’s Three Choirs, Trumpet, and Drums. The Nursery will be available.
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Lawn immediately follows the 9 AM service. We will meet on the front steps for the annual picture prior to dividing into groups by age for the hunt. Don’t forget your basket!
Contact Mary Jackson
Easter Celebration of the Resurrection with the Saint Paul’s Choir, Brass, and Percussion. The nursery will be available.
Easter Celebration of Celtic Evening Prayer. Eryn Eubanks and the Family Fold will be our guest musicians.
Our Colonial Charter and Bylaws call for an Annual Parish Meeting on Easter Monday. You are invited to our 269th Annual Parish Meeting, Monday, April 22, at 12 noon, on the Front Portico. The Churchwardens, Members of the Vestry, and Officers of the Parish will be installed.
Conference Room