Walk for Water is back! This year's Walk for Water is now a virtual event that will impact people around the world by providing solutions that save lives. A virtual […]
In the spirit of Saint Francis, bring your feathered, furry, multi-legged, or scaly friends for a celebration and blessing Sunday, October 4, 3:30 p.m. in the Churchyard. Be sure to […]
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 10:35 - 10:50 AM, Zoom ALL are invited to our brief, but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in October, Sunday, October 11, 10:35-10:50 AM. […]
Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. Centering Prayer is a receptive method of Christian silent prayer that […]
BECOMING BELOVED COMMUNITY … WHERE YOU ARE Ministry of Racial Healing, Justice, & Reconciliation Next Full Group Meeting: Tuesday, October 27, Noon - 1 p.m. Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting […]
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 10:35 - 10:50 AM, Zoom ALL are invited to our brief, but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in November, Sunday, November 8, 10:35-10:50 AM. […]
We invite you to join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve service from wherever you are! Give thanks for God’s generous blessings to us all on Wednesday, November 25 at 7 p.m. through the Saint Paul's Facebook Page. The service includes joyous music, featuring The Saint Paul’s & Canterbury Choirs, and lessons and prayers of thanks and praise. The Thanksgiving Eve offering will be given to the DCCM (Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries) Food Bank.
On the first Sunday of Advent, November 29, the Parish Office will have Advent Wreath kits available for you to put together at home. All supplies will be provided, including wreaths, live greens, and candles. The kits are $15. Donations are accepted. Supplies are limited; a RSVP is required on SignUp Genius or by calling […]
Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. 2020 has been hard. Every year during Advent we expectantly await and prepare for God’s arrival, but this Advent we have much more to bring before God in supplication and longing. Gather with others each Wednesday […]