Make an Advent Wreath for your Home

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

On the first Sunday of Advent, November 29, the Parish Office will have Advent Wreath kits available for you to put together at home. All supplies will be provided, including wreaths, live greens, and candles. The kits are $15. Donations are accepted. Supplies are limited; a RSVP is required on SignUp Genius or by calling […]

Advent Stories in Scripture: hearing our story in God’s

Saint Paul's Church On-line 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. 2020 has been hard. Every year during Advent we expectantly await and prepare for God’s arrival, but this Advent we have much more to bring before God in supplication and longing. Gather with others each Wednesday […]

Sandbach-Greneker Wedding

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

The Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage of Sarah Brittany Sandbach and Thomas Benjamin Greneker Watch Wedding Live on Saint Paul's Facebook Page Sandbach - Greneker Wedding Bulletin

Sacred Space at Saint Paul’s

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Sacred Space is an opportunity for you to be in your church’s sacred space to rest and pray.  You will be provided with a simple Order of Service to guide your prayers, but pray according to your practice and however fulfills your needs for your own sacred time and space. Please note that during this time, […]

CANCELLED Christmas Eve Service (In-person worship)

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

CANCELLED Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24, 2020 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. - In-person at Saint Paul's* 3:45 and 5:45 p.m. - Outdoor Carol Sing Gather in the church or watch online as we celebrate this Holy night together! Those attending the in-person service are invited to a carol sing in the churchyard 15 minutes […]

Annual Meeting 2021

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Our parish Annual Meeting will be held online via Zoom and will follow a modified timeline due to the pandemic. In consultation with our parish chancellor, the Vestry adopted the following plan at its December meeting to conduct our parish business which includes voting to fill three vestry positions, one warden, and receiving financial and […]

“Love is the Way” Book Study (In-Person)

Saint Paul's Church On-line 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

"Love is the  Way: Holding onto hope in troubling times" Book Study Leader: Fr. Joe Bowden When: Sunday, 10 - 10:45 a.m. Gather outside by the Celtic Cross (6th St. parking lot side of church)   Join Fr. Bowden for this study on our Presiding Bishop’s latest book. All who are interested are invited to […]

Sunday morning Early Worship

Saint Paul's Church 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA, United States

Our early service begins at 8:00 a.m. This service is celebrated without music using the traditional Elizabethan language.

A Cup of Joe

Chapel of St Peter and St. Paul

Why do we Episcopalians make the sign of the cross? When do we do it? How do we do it? If those and other questions about our rituals, rites and liturgy keep you awake at night then plan to meet with Fr. Joe Sunday, July 11 at 10 a.m. for the answers. Coffee will be […]