Outreach Committee Meeting
Conference Room 1103 East 2nd Avenue, Garnett, KS, United StatesContact Anita Tanner or Marilyn Grau
Contact Anita Tanner or Marilyn Grau
Contact Keith Shafer
Contact Leslie Lambert
Contact Leslie Lambert
9/13/19 moved to 1/10
Prayer of the Heart: An Introductory Workshop in ChristianContemplative PrayerSaturday, January 11, 9:30 AM- 2 PM (Bring a simple lunch)Chapel of St. Peter and St.Paul An introductory workshopfor Christian Meditation/Contemplative Practice will be offered Saturday,January 11, 9:30 AM-2 PM, in the Chapel of St.Peter and St. Paul. As we begin a new year, this workshop offers a way torestore a sense […]
9/14/19 moved to 1/11