Tuesday’s Music Live Concert
Astralis Chamber Ensemble (astralisensemble.weebly.com)More information at TuesdaysMusicLive.com
Astralis Chamber Ensemble (astralisensemble.weebly.com)More information at TuesdaysMusicLive.com
Lunch In The River Room: Open Face Roast Beef Sandwich with Creamy Horseradish Sauce on the side, Pasta Salad, Crispy Fried Onions. Pineapple Upside Down Cake with Rum Caramel. Starbucks French Roast Coffee.More information and Reservations at TuesdaysMusicLive.com
Noonday Prayer Wednesdays in Lent, 11:45 AM, Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul Prior to our noon hour Lenten book discussion, Noonday Prayer will be observed in the chapel. Gather […]
Lenten Book Study: Speaking Christian Wednesdays in Lent, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall Beginning Wednesday, March 4, 12:00 noon in Tyler Hall, we will explore Marcus Borg's look into why Christian words have lost their power and how they can be restored. In his introduction Borg states "Christian language has become a stumbling block in our time. […]
Contact Keith Shafer
Contact Keith Shafer
Community Yoga with Bethany Smith