FROM THE RECTOR – September 11, 2020

To the community of Saint Paul’s,

“New occasions teach new duties; time makes ancient goods uncouth.”

These words from the hymn “Once to every man and nation” remind me that we are living in the present, and that new opportunities abound. We cannot expect our past ways of doing things or our past perceptions of our world to define who and what we are today. We are reminded in the Revelation to John “Behold, I make all thing new.”

Living into newness is never easy. Letting go of the old thought patterns and ways of doing things is uncomfortable. That is however the high calling to which we respond. We have certainly been forced into it in recent months as the norms and rhythms of our lives have changed, but it goes beyond that. It expands to seeing our world, our history and ourselves in new and more meaningful ways.

There is always the danger of getting bogged down in the past, relying on old norms, outdated vision; of being lulled into complacency by the old, worn, and comfortable. The present in which we find ourselves has caused some to retreat and others to press forward. The choice is a choice based on our responding to the Good News we proclaim.

As Saint Paul’s looks to its future; to gathering together for life within these walls, to welcoming a new Rector, to expanding its reach into the surrounding community, to welcoming new people with new ideas, we do so with the hope that we will experience the newness that surrounds us.

“New occasions teach new duties.” May our eyes be always open to the new occasions and may our hearts, minds, and yes, money be used to fulfill the new duties we are given. “Behold, I make all things new”… may we be active participants is the newness that is before us.

Let us pray:

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him and open our hearts to the new things you declare, so that all may see and know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.


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