FROM THE RECTOR – September 4, 2020

To the community of Saint Paul’s,
There is so much in life that we don’t understand. There is so much in our current reality of COVID-19 that is beyond what we knew to expect. There is so much in our common experience that seems to be confusing and unreal. But, here we are, squarely in the midst of things we cannot understand.
How can someone who thinks so radically different than I do, think that way…I don’t understand. How can someone see a monument of a southern general or soldier and not be offended…I can’t understand. How can good people treat each other with contempt…I don’t understand. How can the world continue to accept divisiveness and hatred…, and the list could go on, and on, and on.
The above referenced prayer reminds us to trust, to trust that in the midst of the confusion and uncertainty that swirls around us that we are a part of a larger reality, a larger experience. Even now we, as followers of the risen Jesus, are supported by the fellowship of love and prayer, the assurance that even when we fall short we are forgiven and that now, yes now, we are living the new life promised by our Savior.
We, as a people set apart, are called to something better. In the midst of so much we don’t understand we are called to look for the good and call it out. We are called to offer of ourselves and our tightly held perceptions to the way of reconciliation and unity. We are called to continually ask God what God would will us to do and be.
I believe that with trust in all that we believe and hold sacred, we can move beyond the clamor of uncertainty and unrest. I believe we can be beacons of all that is good and noble and just.
I believe.