From the Search Committee – August 7, 2020

Dear Saint Paul’s Family,
We are delighted to announce that our Rector search process is now actively underway, and our search committee is hard at work. The first task of our committee is to assess where the congregation is now and what is needed as we move forward. This phase of the process requires us to work to understand our parish’s unique characteristics, priorities, strengths, and challenges. The Saint Paul’s vestry hosted in-person listening sessions from November 2019 to February 2020. These small group gatherings were wonderful opportunities for parishioners to share their experiences at Saint Paul’s as well as their hopes for the future of our church, and provided us with valuable information. We will now continue this self-study with a detailed assessment of our parish through the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) survey provided by Holy Cow! Consulting. The CAT survey is an important tool of discernment in the Rector search process and the survey results will directly inform the creation of our Parish Profile. Our profile will be used to introduce prospective candidates to the parish and the local community.
Your perspective, experiences, and opinions are highly valued and an important part of this process of parish self-examination. Your responses will also help guide the Search Committee in determining the kind of Rector that will help us continue to grow into the parish we aspire to be. As you review the questions, please give them careful and prayerful consideration. We ask that all active parishioners sixteen years and older complete and submit the completed questionnaire by Friday, August 28th.
If you are unable to complete the questionnaire electronically, we are happy to provide a paper copy; however, we strongly encourage you to submit your responses online, as it will greatly assist us in compiling the information. Please be assured that your responses are completely confidential.