From the Stewardship Committee – October 23, 2020

Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you,

the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts of our lives.


We honor our Lord with our gifts: our time, talent, and treasure. Our support for the Church takes many forms and occurs throughout the year, even in a year as extraordinary as 2020. While we have not been able to gather as a congregation, our community remains connected through the variety of media our Church utilizes, and the work done by the clergy, staff, and laity. We talk about stewardship being a year-round activity and it is that; financial support comes in monthly and our congregation is active in work that defines us and our place in the greater Augusta community. Time and talent are crucial in all we do as a Church (both in the physical and spiritual sense) to honor God and bear witness to his Love.

Our treasure is as crucial this year. So far, we have received 51 cards representing $254,694. We are grateful for the support for and confidence in Saint Paul’s and are excited to have who we are validated by the congregation’s treasure, coupled with the congregation’s time and talent.

Cameron Nixon
Stewardship Campaign Chair
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