Walk For Water

9:00 AM
1/3 of the world suffers from lack of access to safe water, but there is a lot we can do—
this is a problem where we can help provide solutions!
On Saturday, November 12th, our church will contribute as we walk for water and everyone is invited to join us! Participate in one of three ways: WALK with our team, the Saint Paul’s Epsico-PAILS; SERVE on the hospitality team on the 12th to welcome walkers to Saint Paul’s; or GIVE to support our team’s fundraising goal. Click the buttons below to become involved today!
Join Saint Paul’s walking team, The Episco-PAILS!
To sign up, click here or the button above. You will be redirected to the team page. Click on the “Join Team” button on the right side of your screen. You can check out who is on our team here, too!
Volunteers are needed to help welcome participants in the walk. Join the Hospitality Crew. Check out the Sign-Up Genius to learn more!
Even if you can’t make it out on November 12th, you can still help! Contribute toward our team’s fundraising effort.
To give on-line, click HERE. You will be redirected to Saint Paul’s “Online Giving” Page.
Select a “one-time gift” and choose the “Walk for Water” fund.
Checks can be made payable to “Saint Paul’s Walk for Water.”
Or you can give directly to our team on the CSRA Walk 4 Water site.

About Walk for Water
CSRA Walk for Water benefits Water Mission , a faith-based engineering nonprofit in Charleston, SC that that designs, builds, and implements safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas. Explore their amazing work online and see how their work builds hope and opportunity while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What is the walk?
CSRA Walk for Water puts a creative twist on the typical “fundraising walk”. On the morning of Saturday, November 12, we expect several hundred people to walk, carrying empty pails, from the SRP Park baseball field in North Augusta to Saint Paul’s parking lot along 6th Street, where they will fill their buckets and begin the return trek along the Riverwalk. This walk connects us with the trek billions make every single day to carry home untreated water for basic subsistence. We walk so they don’t have to. We walk to make the lives of strangers and distant neighbors safer and filled with new hope, possibility, and opportunity. Dozens of churches are partnering to organize this event in the CSRA, which brings together teams of participants from both sides of the Savannah River and from all walks of life. We are proud to be part of it.