From the Children of Saint Paul’s: Love in Action

The children of Saint Paul’s have been gathering together online each Sunday morning this summer during our normal formation time. Our “Summer Gathering at Saint Paul’s” is a summertime program for us to connect and catch up, share stories, sing songs, and pray together. It has been fun having siblings, parents, and even pets join us, and everyone LOVES being able to show up in their pajamas or bare feet if they like!

During our prayers, one of our families asked about praying for a grandparent who is feeling lonely during this time. It generated a conversation and we all shared people in our lives who have been isolated and alone during the past months. In Godly Play, we talk a lot about loving our neighbors and we thought this current situation provides our children with an opportunity to put love into action. We decided that we would make a list of people who may need a little extra love right now and deliver a special butterfly and message made by the children to serve as a tangible reminder that they are remembered, loved, and prayed for.

How You Can Get Involved:

If you have a child at Saint Paul’s, or if YOU want to create a butterfly:

  • Please let us know if your child/family would like to participate in making butterflies. Just respond to this email and let us know how many children in your family will be creating. Adults and youth are welcome to create, too! Just let us know how many you need. Please email Kim Butler and include your name, address, and how many people will be participating. We will deliver supplies and instructions to you.


  • Decorate your butterflies and have them ready to show everyone at our Godly Play ZOOM gathering next Sunday, August 23rd at 9:30 a.m. We will take a screen shot of all our gorgeous butterflies and bless them and pray for the people they will be given to.


  • The week after Sunday, August 23rd, we will put our love into action! If you have a special person you want to deliver your butterflies and messages to, please deliver it that week. If you would like for us to deliver them for you, please email Kim Butler and we will pick them up.
All of our Saint Paul’s Family:

Please let us know if you or a family member, friend, or neighbor would enjoy receiving a butterfly and message from the children of Saint Paul’s. Please send the name, address, and phone number so we can coordinate.

We are excited about this beautiful outreach opportunity and love connection. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact Mrs. Ivey or Mrs. Kim.

With love,
Mrs. Ivey Coleman and Mrs. Kim Butler
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