The Organ Returns!

For the past two months, the mechanisms that make the organ work (the “action”) have been in the workshop of Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders in Denver, NC being “re-leathered.” All of the almost 60 year old leather had to be removed and new leather cut and glued for each of the valves of the more than 2,700 organ pipes.
The picture above is some of the organ action in the Saint Paul’s Altar Guild Sacristy prior to being reinstalled and tested, a process that was completed this week.
On Sunday, August 9, the organ will be played for the first time and the postlude will be a version of Widor’s famous Toccata from the 5th Symphony that is ordinarily heard on Easter morning. Because of the virus, this year’s Easter service did not include the Toccata – the first time since 1966 that is was not played for that occasion. Soon, a video of music being played on the organ will be available on the church’s website.
Valued at more than $1.5 million, the organ is one of the finest in the Southeast. The church was provided an electronic organ to use while the Casavant instrument was being re-leathered. The cost of the project, $75,000, was donated.
We hope you all will join on Facebook Live Sunday morning!