Visiting Saint Paul’s

Location and Hours
Saint Paul’s Church is located on the Riverwalk at 6th Street and Reynolds in downtown Augusta. The church can be accessed through entrances on Reynolds Street and 6th Street, as well as on foot by the scenic Riverwalk. Get Directions ≫
The church doors are open daily Monday – Thursday 9 AM – 3 PM, and Fridays 9 AM – 12 noon. You are welcome to come inside at any time for quiet reflection and prayer or simply relax in the churchyard.
View the self-guided tour brochure here or pick one up in the Narthex.
Parking is available on both sides of the church, including handicap parking. Wheelchair ramps are available from the east side of the church. (nearest 6th Street)
Visit on Sunday
What to Expect
Ushers will greet you at the door Sunday morning with a service bulletin. The worship bulletins include the liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer, all service music and hymns, and easy notations for you to follow.
You are welcome in the Episcopal Church, and so the first and best resource we offer are your neighbors in the pews. Just say, “I’m visiting,” and they will gladly help.
Although there are customary postures, such as standing and kneeling, in Episcopal Worship, you are invited to be seated at any point according to your needs and comfort.
Hearing enhancement devises are available from an usher.
Children are an integral part of our Parish and are welcome at all our services. We encourage families with children to sit at the front of the church so that children can easily see, hear, and participate in worship. Crayons and children’s bulletins, which follow the readings for each Sunday are available from the ushers. Learn more ≫
A nursery is available in the Children’s Ministry Center on Sunday mornings and for many special services. Please check the event announcement for evening services.
Our Nursery is staffed each Sunday with two Nursery caregivers. We will be happy to assist you in getting your child settled in the nursery so you can enjoy church without having to worry. Our silent pager system will allow us to contact you if your child is in need. Feel free to come in and stay a while to help your child get acquainted with the staff and the other children. We want you and your child to feel welcome in the Saint Paul’s Nursery! Learn more ≫
Our service centers on the Holy Eucharist (Communion). All who come in faith are welcome at the Lord’s table.
If you wish seated communion, please notify an usher.
Let us know of your visit
Please join us for Lemonade on the Lawn following the service.
If you would like, fill out a visitor’s card, located in each pew, and hand it to one of our clergy or an usher at the end of the service, or sign the Visitor’s Book located in the Narthex. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Connect with Saint Paul's
Saint Paul’s sends a weekly newsletter by e-mail. A link to join this e-mail list is available on our website home page, on our Facebook Page, by scanning the QR code or the back of our bulletins, or by calling our Parish Office (706) 724-2485. Print copies are available in the Narthex and in the rack outside the Parish Offices.
Name Tags
Help us get to know you! Name tags are located on a rack in the Narthex. Please e-mail the parish office or complete a yellow form to request a name tag.
New to Saint Paul’s or just new again? Join us for our next bi-monthly, “Welcome to Saint Paul’s”. This is a casual opportunity to meet some of our staff, find answers to your questions and learn how you can get involved in the activities of the church. Check our calendar or Weekly Postings for the date of our gathering or contact the Parish Office.
Newcomer Party
We’d like to get to know you better. Twice a year, we host a newcomer party at a parishioner’s home. This is an excellent opportunity to get know the Vestry, Clergy, and Staff as well as other new members. Check our calendar or Weekly Postings for the date of our next party or contact the Parish Office.