The Vestry
The Vestry, the leadership council of the parish, is responsible for the oversight and management of the parish’s operations, finances, and property, and works closely with the Rector to define the mission and direction of the parish.
Vestry members and Wardens are nominated at the Annual Parish Meeting for a three-year term. The official election takes place on Easter Monday as designated by our Colonial Charter. In order to be considered for nomination, a parishioner must be at least eighteen years of age and be a Confirmed Member of Saint Paul’s Church in good standing, meaning that unless for good reason presented, they have been faithful in the corporate worship of the church, and in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God. It is the expectation of Saint Paul’s that all Vestry members pledge in the annual stewardship campaign.
The Vestry meets once a month on the third Monday of each month.
Church Wardens and Officers
Cameron Nixon
Senior Warden
Term Expires 2024
Erick Montgomery
Junior Warden
Term Expires 2025
Will Rice
Brett Montroy
Nancy Kotti
Vestry Members
Bill Ford
Term Expires 2024
Coleman Graham
Term Expires 2024
Claiborne Porubsky
Term Expires 2024
Bryan Hawkins
Term Expires 2025
Ian McQueen
Term Expires 2025
Rex Teeslink
Term Expires 2025
Kitty Gordon
Term Expires 2026
Charlie Tudor
Term Expires 2026
Mary Porter Vann
Term Expires 2026