Worship Services
Saint Paul’s Church is well known for the beauty of its liturgy and excellent music program.
We offer three distinctly different worship services each week.

Sunday Mornings
8:00 a.m.
Our early service begins at 8:00 a.m. This service is celebrated without music using the traditional Elizabethan language.
11:00 a.m.
At 11:00 a.m. we celebrate a traditional Holy Eucharist (Communion) with both the Saint Paul’s Choir and Canterbury Choir. Our service follows an established pattern of prayers, scripture readings, and hymns, which we call our “liturgy.” All who come in faith are welcome at the Communion table.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Sunday Evenings
5:30 p.m.
Our Celtic Evening Prayer is a candle-lit service which emphasizes the contemplative side of worship and features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians. This service invites you to come as you are to enter into a place of rest, prayer and reflection. We hope it will help you to a deeper place of spiritual attentiveness, a place where you experience God.
Many who attend this service come from other churches and faith traditions, and we are delighted to have many who consider Saint Paul’s to be their second church home.