Christmas Morning

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Joy to the World! Join us as we celebrate Christ's birth in the Chapel with Communion and Carols. Collect for The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Day O God, you make us glad by the yearly festival of the birth of your only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that we, who joyfully receive him as our Redeemer, […]

A Celebration of Christmas Lessons and Carols

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

On the First Sunday of Christmas, December 30, the Canterbury and Saint Paul's Choir will combine, along with readers from the congregation, in A Celebration of Lessons and Carols at 11:00 AM. The traditional nine lessons will be read, each followed by a carol or hymn. Join us along with your families and out-of-town guests in […]


605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

“The Lord Almighty, grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end.” COMPLINE - closing prayers for the day Bring your mid-week evening to a prayerful close in a still, candlelit sacred space with one another and God. Compline is a much beloved, simple prayer service for the end of the day. It also may […]

Holy Week Noonday Eucharist

Saint Paul's Church Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week we gather in the Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul at noon for Holy Eucharist.

Maundy Thursday

Saint Paul's Church Nave

The tradition of an evening celebration of the Eucharist on this day began in the early fifth century under the name "Cena Domini" ("the supper of the Lord.") "Maundy" comes from the Latin word "mandatum" ("commandment"), referring both to Christ’s words "a new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have […]

Re-dedication of a Church and 100th Anniversary Celebration of Saint Paul’s Church Consecration

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

As the people of Saint Paul's, other parishes, and the larger community came together to consecrate and dedicate our present church building 100 years ago, so on May 5th at 11 AM, we will gather to re-dedicate ourselves and our Church building to God's glory and God's purpose. Following the service we will gather in the […]