All Saints’ Sunday

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

"All Saints' Day celebrates all the saints of God--those whose names we remember and those whose names we do not know--whose lives have given witness great or small, to the resurrection of Jesus.  The liturgy of All Saints is an Easter liturgy.  It is the only principal feast that punctuates the long season of ordinary […]


605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

The Saint Paul's Choir sings Evensong Sunday, November 11, at 5:30 PM instead of the Celtic service. Evensong, a service of sung evening prayer, finds its roots in the Medieval English church and has become one of the most beloved liturgies of the Episcopal Church. 

Thanksgiving Eve Service

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve service where we gather around the Lord’s Table in gratitude for God’s generous blessings to us all. The service includes joyous music, featuring members of the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs, and lessons and prayers of thanks and praise. Our Thanksgiving Offering again this year will benefit the DCCM (Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries) Food Bank.

Children’s Liturgy for Christmas Eve

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Our children will hold the "Children's Liturgy for Christmas Eve" on the last Sunday of Advent, December 23. During our 11 AM service, the children will process and place each figure and piece of our parish Nativity to help our church prepare to celebrate Christmas. Throughout Advent, the children are gathering to practice and then reflect on the sacred story […]

Christmas Eve Festival Celebration

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

This celebratory service incorporates Holy Eucharist, traditional carols for the whole congregation to sing, and wonderful anthems from the Canterbury and St. Nicholas Choirs accompanied by local musicians. A nursery is available at the 4:00 p.m. service in the Children's Ministry Wing. Collect for The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Day O God, you have caused […]

Christmas Eve Festival Celebration

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

This celebratory service incorporates Holy Eucharist, traditional carols for the whole congregation to sing, and wonderful anthems from the Saint Paul's Choir accompanied by local musicians. The 10:00 p.m. service will be broadcast live on WGAC 580 AM and 95.1 FM. Collect for The Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Day O God, you have caused this holy […]