Noonday Prayer

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Wednesday, July 15, 12:30 p.m. Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “O God, make speed to save […]

Praying Together: Centering Prayer Tutorial and “Sit”

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “Contemplative practices facilitate and deepen our relationship with God.” This tutorial will […]

Compline (Online)

Saint Paul's Church On-line

Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together. Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have opportunity for a brief mid-week visit.

Praying Together: Daily Prayer Tutorial

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. Our church's deepest and strongest roots are found in daily common […]

Noonday Prayer

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Wednesday, July 22, 12:30 p.m. Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “O God, make speed to save […]

Praying Together: Centering Prayer Tutorial and “Sit”

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “Contemplative practices facilitate and deepen our relationship with God.” This tutorial will […]

The Commissioning of the Search Committee

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Commissioning of Search Committee on Sunday, Sunday, July 26, 10:40 a.m. on Facebook Live (immediatey before our 11 a.m. online service) As we begin the Spirit led work to call […]

Noonday Prayer

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Wednesday, July 29, 12:30 p.m. Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “O God, make speed to save […]

Praying Together: Daily Prayer Tutorial

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. Our church's deepest and strongest roots are found in daily common […]

Noonday Prayer

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Wednesday, August 2, 12:30 p.m. Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “O God, make speed to save […]