Praying with the Word

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. This tutorial will offer a way to encounter the Word in […]

Back to School Blessing

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Back to School - Prayers & Blessing for our entire parish community Sunday, August 30 We all are aware that schooling this year is different, that we are at the beginning of a new phase of our common life in the midst of the pandemic. This truth touches the lives all students from pre-K to […]

Noonday Prayer

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Monday, August 31, 12:30 p.m. Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. “O God, make speed to save […]

Praying with the Word

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. This tutorial will offer a way to encounter the Word in […]

Praying with Sacred Icons

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Location: Join Zoom OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454 OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923 PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request. This tutorial will offer a way to gaze into and pray through the holy images known as icons. This too is a form of contemplative reflection that allow the image to unfold its truth within you. […]

Birthday Sunday

605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Second Sunday Birthday Celebration  10:35 - 10:50 AM, Zoom  ALL are invited to our brief, but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in September, Sunday, September 13, 10:35-10:50 AM.  […]