Al Anon



9/13/19 moved to 1/10

Contemplative Prayer Workshop

Chapel and Tyler Hall

Prayer of the Heart: An Introductory Workshop in ChristianContemplative PrayerSaturday, January 11, 9:30 AM- 2 PM  (Bring a simple lunch)Chapel of St. Peter and St.Paul  An introductory workshopfor Christian Meditation/Contemplative Practice will be offered […]


9/14/19 moved to 1/11

Listening for Saint Paul’s Future

Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA

Listening For Saint Paul's Future. This is an exciting time for our church. The Vestry invites widespread participation in these gatherings. If the event you select is full, please email us your interest in participating […]

Inquirer’s Class & Youth Confirmation Class

Fr. Muir will lead a six-part class for those who are interestedin learning more about this church, its beliefs, governance, origins andworship. Regardless of your current status (not baptized, former […]