FROM THE ASSISTANT RECTOR – You, your kids, us, and Christian Formation at Saint Paul’s

A message to the parents of Saint Pauls:

Dear Friends,

Greetings. God’s grace and peace.

On behalf of your church family, we write first to acknowledge the stress and difficulty of what you and your children (no less than Lindsey’s and my own) have experienced since last spring when your home became a classroom and you took on another teaching job. I say “another” because parenting is a full-time calling. Your every interaction imparts pieces of yourself—love, behaviors, patterns, wisdom, skills, knowledge, etc.—to help your children become themselves. Your imprints become the raw material of their life and their faith. I commend you for what you have done and for keeping faith in the absence of the rituals, sacramental food, gatherings and fellowship that we Episcopalians relish. We are in this work of faith formation together, and so beginning tomorrow evening, Fr. John will begin calling every family to hear how you are doing and to carefully listen to what you and your kids need most from your church at this time.

Second, John here, I confess that I have been slow to plan ahead and adapt our traditional formation programs. Kim and Ivey held space all summer for the community of children to gather and stay connected. In the spring, Todd and Ranie hosted Zoom gatherings for our youth. Now, our present reality calls for faith formation that differs from past patterns and most of all that supports your family’s life following Jesus’s way of love. We, your church family, will support you and your children as both of you grow in faith and practice it together.

How? Neither you nor your kids need more screen time or more to do. What is needed seems to us to be meaningful ways to practice faith together so that when our kids leave our side their sense of God in Christ ensures, they are comfortable with prayer, and they know the experience of loving acceptance in Christian family and Episcopal community. Faith formation happens every day of life—through behaviors and patterns more than through words or ideas. The outline of our plans offered below, though it begins Sunday the 27th, is a work in progress meant to support your faith formation as much as that of your children. Based on what you share with Fr. John, we will thoughtfully adapt or adjust.

Thank you for your attention. Apart from Fr. John’s calls, know that we invite your honest feedback and comments anytime. Stay close, stay well.

In Christ,

Lindsey, John+

Lindsey Vanhook, Vestry, 2022 Term Faith Formation Liaison

The Rev. John Jenkins, Priest, Associate to the Priest in Charge

Categories: Children, Formation, From the Assistant Rector, Parents, YouthTags: , ,