FROM THE RECTOR – July 24, 2020

To the community of Saint Paul’s,

So often in our lives we get so focused on the destination that we fail to appreciate the journey that gets us there. When we first suspended in-person activities and worship at Saint Paul’s most of us believed it was going to be brief and that in no time we would be back to just the way things were. Now we know that is not the case.

Once again, I must announce an extension. All in-person activities at Saint Paul’s will be suspended until at least September 8. You notice that again I use the words “at least.” We don’t know when we will reach the end of this journey we are on together, so it seems best to me to make the most of the journey that lies ahead.
During these times there are things going on within the life of Saint Paul’s Church. A committee of the Vestry has been gathered to plan for our eventual return to in-person worship. They will be using the Diocese of Georgia guidelines to make our initial gatherings as safe as possible. They are exploring creative options that will begin to draw us back together physically.
The Search Committee is beginning the important work of placing before the Vestry the very best candidate to serve as your new Rector. Your prayers and words of support are vital in the task that is before them. They will be commissioned this coming Sunday, July 26. Expect in the weeks to come a timeline that will outline the process.
We continue to connect through phone and Zoom, Facebook Live, and radio. Keith, Sarah, and members of our choir continue to put voice to our songs of prayer and praise each Sunday. Although not in the same space, the music they offer draws us together.
Elisabeth is a master at holding all we do together. All the small and large pieces of our work and witness are supported by her constant efforts.
Work continues on our handicap access. When we do gather again, those with mobility issues will find Saint Paul’s to be even more inviting and welcoming. Work on the new handicap restrooms will begin before too long.
On August 2 we will begin a new way of connecting via Coffee and Conversation. At 10:35 we will gather via Zoom simply to touch bases with one another and on the 2nd Sundays celebrate Parish birthdays.
As we continue in our own ways to reach out to one another; to worship together throughout the week; to give for the ongoing work of the Church; to simply care deeply for one another; the journey becomes worthwhile. It is in all these things we continue to be Christ’s body in ways we never expected.
Let us always remember that any journey is a reminder that all of life is an adventure. Our journey awakens curiosity and wonder at what surrounds us. With each step we draw closer to all God has in store for us. Let us also remember that we may stumble, we may skip, we may run and yes even fall, but the journey should be cherished as we travel together.
May God’s blessings continue to be poured upon us, and may we all at the end of this journey look back with gratitude.

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