From the Senior Warden – April 29, 2020

Stewardship: the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.

Since 1750, Saint Paul’s has been a central part of the Augusta community. Since 1919, this sanctuary has opened its doors to the community for celebrations of life in all of its incarnations. In 2020, we have faced new challenges head-on as we learn new ways to connect with the congregation and share our prayers and love for Christ and each other.

Despite our recent innovations, our normal business routines remain intact: the expenses of the Church remain as the staff continues to work in the office, from home, and on the maintenance and cleaning of the grounds. We continue to move forward with our construction projects to prepare for the future. Our River Room remains empty, creating an unexpected loss in revenue which is likely to continue for some time.

We thank each of you for your many contributions to the life of the Parish during this time and ask that you prayerfully consider how to continue your support of the Church and your pledges even while social distancing. The Church’s home-page has a link (“Make a Gift”) at the top of the page, which allows you to direct your giving. This includes a drop-down box for pledges and outreach as well as other specific options. Donations may also be mailed to the Church.

The Vestry is considering how to amend the approved budget based on our current situation, just as Outreach has considered how to provide additional support to the community. Throughout these changes, Saint Paul’s remains committed to seek and serve Christ in all persons.

With thanks,

Ashley Wright
Senior Warden

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