From the Stewardship Committee – October 30, 2020

Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you,

the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts of our lives.


As the deadline approaches to complete pledge cards for the 2021 church year, I am reflecting on the tangible sense of excitement emanating from two active Church committees: the Strategic Planning Committee and the Search Committee. Both are neck-deep in discussing and planning for the future of Saint Paul’s and both are bullish on what is to come next for our congregation. The Strategic Planning Committee, ably chaired by Barbara Coleman, has wrapped up a series of meetings reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to our Church, and the vision for the future is exciting. As a participant in this initiative I can say that the future execution of the ideas, the recommendations and the vision will lead us to become the Church we want to be. What’s more exciting is that the initiatives are very achievable, achievable with our support: both by personal engagement and with financial support. The Search Committee, ably chaired by Kim Butler and Brad Sandbach, is also excited for the future as they see what they are laying out for the next Rector of Saint Paul’s. This mirror’s the vision from the Strategic Planning Committee and is also achievable. What these committees are showing is that the Church we want to become and believe we can become is within our grasp, but with our support.

Thank you to all those who have pledged so far and to those who are in the process of completing the pledge card with their support. If you have not completed a card, please join the congregation in financially helping Saint Paul’s seize the future ahead of us.

Cameron Nixon
Stewardship Campaign Chair
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