From the Treasurer – October 30, 2020

We are ten months through the year and have received pledge amounts totaling $533,191.62. We need $246,808.38 to meet our 2020 goal for $780,000. Your generosity has helped get our church so close to this goal, and with your continued support we know this will be attained.

You probably noticed that the operating loss year to date has been significant. This is primarily due to the loss of River Room income. However, our cash position remains healthy, largely due to the PPP loan.

Historically, the final quarter has been strong financially for our church as people complete their pledge obligations and wrap up charitable contributions for the year. If possible, please consider completing your annual pledge by November 30, 2020. This allows the church to keep current with its ongoing ministries. If you can give beyond your stated pledge amount this fall, it will greatly help the church make up for the lost revenue.

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